Current Classes

YOGA HIVE Philly specializes in empowering YOU to grow and strengthen your practice. From beginner to advanced and everything in between, our selection of classes is sure to have exactly what you’re looking for!

Beginners: Starting Your Yoga Journey

So you’ve been seeing everyone on social media rave about all of the benefits associated with regular yoga practice but don’t know where to begin? Say no more, Beginners; Starting Your Yoga Journey is the class for you. Every day is your best day to embark on your yoga journey and we have brought this class to you for life changing miracles. We will teach you all of the basics, such as, alignment, poses, and technique to anyone who is new to yoga. Flexibility is not required. Everyone is welcomed and we love first-timers! Bring a friend, family member, or co-worker, anyone who might help you feel more comfortable beginning your life changing journey.

Power Yoga Level 1:

You’ve taken a yoga class or two and know what a sun salutation is (or at least you’ve seen some versions displayed on the internet). Now you want to learn more about the basics of Power Yoga. Level 1 emphasizes proper alignment, focusing on conscious breath with a vigorous and mindful flow. Students will build strength, flexibility and concentration while cleansing the body and calming the mind. All levels welcomed.

Power Vinyasa Yoga Level 2:

So you feel like you are building up your yoga practice and you have a good understanding of the groundwork of Power Yoga. You are now looking to add more strength to your practice. Power Yoga Level 2 will torch your calories, tone, strengthen and rinse your body, clearing your mind and leaving you with a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. A Dynamic Vinyasa power flow to awaken your body while calming the soul.

Power Hour:

You’re moving up in your yoga journey. Our power hour classes are faster, energetic, flow classes that build strength, endurance, flexibility, and concentration. These classes give your physical body an ultimate workout, focus, and steadies your mind, while increasing your awareness, and replenish your energy. Variations and modifications offered by the teachers will allow every student to practice at their own individual level. Expect to build up strength and power through this class like a warrior.

Power Yoga Level 3 | Advanced & Inversions:

You have a strong ongoing practice. This class is going to enhance your growth by challenging poses and offering new techniques for approaching new poses, deepening variations and dynamic sequences. Take you’re at home practice to the studio, with this unique yet challenging class. Become Insta-famous with all of your new advanced yoga poses from this inversion class. Use the wall at your own risk!



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